Monday, 22 February 2010

First Day of Filming

On the first day of filming we all met at Nics house. Once everyone had got there we made our way with all the props to the church/graveyard. once we were there we got Billie (the actress that plays a antagonist) into her costume, back combed her hair and smeered blood over her. The two main characters were already in there army outfits and had the guns. We had trouble with the guns as some of them were still wet with paint so we couldnt use them that day. On Monday it rained all day so it was very difficult to film as we needed to keep the HD camera dry. We started by filming the two main characters walking down towards the graveyard. We tried shooting the same shot from different angles. After we shot the walking scene we moved on to the first scene where we see a zombie/witch.

By Frankie

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